11th June 2025 - UKESTOCK FESTIVAL. 9912 Leermens, Netherlands Een non-profit kleinschalig Ukelele festival. mail voor info en aanmelden ukestock-festival@hotmail.com. A non-profit small-scale Ukulele festival. Mail for info and registration ukestock-festival@hotmail.com www.facebook.com

15th March 2025 - APPLETON THORN VILLAGE HALL. Stretton Road, Appleton Thorn, Warrington, WA4 4RT. Tickets £12. 7.30pm doors. Advanced booking only. This is a small intimate venue with a great atmosphere and fantastic beer. It's sure to sell out so reserve your seats early by texting Roger Kenyon on 07946 378599 Email villagehallmusic@yahoo.co.uk Facebook: Village Hall Music @ Appleton Thorn

18th January 2025 - MANLEY VILLAGE HALL Manley,UK, WA6 9EL. Doors 8PM. We are returning to the beautiful village of Manley in Frodsham. This is bound to sell out so reserve to pay on the door by contacting Adele - adelejay17@gmail.com. www.facebook.com/MusicAtManley

16th January 2025 - ELLESMERE PORT - THE HUNGRY HORSE FOLK CLUB at the WHITBY CLUB - Dunkirk Lane, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 6QF. Doors 7.15PM. Tickets with booking fee are £11 from www.wegottickets.com Or only £10 on the door.



24th - 25th August 2024 UKULELE HOOLEY, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland. We will be performing in the Peolple's Park on the Sunday. Book for Ukulele Uff's workshop as soon as possible on the following link.


13th July 2024 - "THE FESTIVAL OF BRILLIANT". Biddulph Old Hall, Staffordshire. We're doing a set at "THE FESTIVAL OF BRILLIANT". A celebration of how brilliant children’s books are. Inspired by the podcast, The Island of Brilliant, the festival will feature readings, talks, workshops, performances, installations and activities to feed the imagination. Biddulph Old Hall is our really brilliant venue. It has a magical, exploratory, fairy tale feel, offering the perfect backdrop for children to feed their imagination.


25th May 2024 - WARRINGTON MUSIC FESTIVAL FREE! We're doing a set at Warrington Music Festival, Time Square from 3pm.

27th April 2024 - APPLETON THORN VILLAGE HALL. Stretton Road, Appleton Thorn, Warrington, WA4 4RT. Tickets £12. 7.30pm doors. Advanced booking only. This is a small intimate venue with a great atmosphere and fantastic beer. It's sure to sell out so reserve your seats early by texting Roger Kenyon on 07946 378599 Email villagehallmusic@yahoo.co.uk Facebook: Village Hall Music @ Appleton Thorn

1st to 5th May 2024 - ŽELIV - THE CZECH REPUBLIC. Ukulele Uff will be joining Phil Doleman to host a retreat in the beautiful village of Želiv. The retreat will involve daily workshops, jam sessions and a performance. It’s in a beautiful 18th Century Baroque monastery surrounded by hills and cliffs. Accommodation can be booked on site.



13th November 2023 - RUNCORN FOLK CLUB. Runcorn Golf Club,Clifton Rd, Cheshire, Runcorn WA7 4TD.


Doors 7pm.

26th - 27th August 2023 UKULELE HOOLEY, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland.


19th - 21st May 2023 - MONOPOLELE UKULELE FESTIVAL MONOPOLI ITALY. Ukulele Uff will be performing a solo spot and taking a workshop at the Monopolele Ukulele Festival in the beautiful Italian city of Monopoli.

Info here: https://monopolele.com/

1st April 2023 - OXFORD - Donnington Community Centre 5 Arnold Road Oxford OX4 4BH. Doors 7.30PM. We've been invited by "Oxford Ukuleles" to play a couple of sets.

Get your tickets here: www.eventbrite.co.uk

11th March 2023 - MANLEY VILLAGE HALL Manley,UK, WA6 9EL. Doors 8PM The amazing internationally acclaimed Blues and roots guitarist Pete Price will again be standing in for Dave when we return to the beautiful village of Manley. Support provided by "In the Pocket". This is bound to sell out so reserve to pay on the door by contacting Adele - adelejay17@gmail.com.


13th - 15th January 2023 - TROPICAL WINTER UKULELE FEST - FINLAND,Vesileppis. TWUF is located in beautiful, snowy natural landscape of Leppävirta municipality - near the provincial capital Kuopio and 340km away from Helsinki.

Info here: https://tropicalwinterukulelefest.weebly.com

Or check their Facebook page.


Saturday 21st May 2022 9.45 pm - Manchester Guitar Festival. We'll be playing at the The Carole Nash Hall, Stoller Hall, Hunts Bank, Manchester M3 1DA.

Info and tickets: https://stollerhall.com

27th - 28th August 2022 UKULELE HOOLEY, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland.

The Hooley is back! www.ukulelehooley.com


4th September 2021 - RUNCORN HILL PARK BANDSTAND. 12 - 3PM. FREE! As part of Halton's borough of culture music weekend, we have been invited to play in the beautiful surroundings of Runcorn Hill. Very special guests to be announced. Runcorn Hill Park, Highlands Rd, Runcorn WA7 4PT


Saturday 6th November 2021 - CONISTON INSTITUTE. SOLD OUT! Doors 7pm 15 Yewdale Rd, Coniston, Cumbria. LA21 8DU. Tickets £12 from The Ruskin Museum, reserve by email: sam.clarke.5555@gmail.com, or pay on the night. BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS!



20th November 2021 - APPLETON THORN VILLAGE HALL. SOLD OUT! Stretton Road, Appleton Thorn, Warrington, WA4 4RT. Tickets £12. 7.30pm start. This is a small intimate venue with a great atmosphere and fantastic beer. It's sure to sell out so reserve your tickets early by contacting Roger Kenyon on 07946 378599 Email villagehallmusic@yahoo.co.uk or on Facebook: Village Hall Music @ Appleton Thorn

Thursday 9th December 2021 - THE CHAPEL, ORMSKIRK. Doors 7.30 The Chapel, Ormskirk Arts House, St Helens Road, Ormskirk, L39 4QR. Tickets £11.37



6th - 7th June 2020 CANCELLED - WIRRAL FOLK FESTIVAL http://wirralfolkonthecoast.com

3rd July 2020 CANCELLED - STOCKTON HEATH FESTIVAL https://stocktonheathfestival.co.uk/

22nd - 23rd August 2020 CANCELLED - UKULELE HOOLEY, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland. www.ukulelehooley.com

13th September 2020 CANCELLED - THE KNUTSFORD GREAT RACE - PENNY FARTHING RACE, THE HEATH, KNUTSFORD, WA16 http://knutsfordgreatrace.com


6th April 2019 APPLETON THORN VILLAGE HALL. - SOLD OUT! Stretton Road, Appleton Thorn, Warrington, WA4 4RT. Tickets £10. 7.30pm start. This is a small intimate venue with a great atmosphere and fantastic beer. It's sure to sell out so reserve your tickets early by contacting Roger Kenyon on 07946 378599 or on Facebook:Village Hall Music @ Appleton Thorn


24th May 2019 WIDNES - THE STUDIO. Lacey Street,Widnes, WA8 7SQ. 7.30pm start. £3 on the door. We'll be playing at the "Authentic Acoustic" evening in memory of our friend Ste "Tank" Airey, who passed away last May. https://www.facebook.com/studiowidnes

24th - 26th May 2019 THE UKULELE FESTIVAL OF SCOTLAND, Easterbrook Hall, The Crichton Dumfries DG1 4TA https://ukulelefestivalofscotland.co.uk/


't Ey, Belsele, Belgium. Inkom leden € 10 / niet-leden € 13. Reserveren is niet nodig. Zaterdag 15 juni - 21u Deuren open om 20u https://www.facebook.com

29th - 30th June 2019 THE UKULELE FESTIVAL OF WALES Gower Heritage Centre Park Mill Parkmill, Gower, Swansea SA3 2EH

Tickets: http://www.derricksmusic.co.uk/

Alternatively you can book your tickets via Gower Heritage Centre hotline 01792 371206, they will reserve your tickets for you to collect on your arrival at the festival. https://www.facebook.com

30th June 2019 WALES - THE DRUIDSTONE HOTEL Druidstone Haven, SA62 3NE Haverfordwest. 7.30PM

The event will be held in the beautiful marquee at the front of the hotel. Tables are available for evening meals. Please contact the Druidstone for tickets or to book a table. Alternatively contact Paul Williams for tickets. https://www.facebook.com

10th July 2019 - SOUTHPORT - JAZZ WEDNESDAY @ FLEETWOOD HESKETH sports and social club. Fylde Road, Southport, Merseyside. PR9 9XH https://www.fleetwoodhesketh.com/

17th - 18th August 2019 UKULELE HOOLEY, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland.

It's the Hooley's 10th birthday so it's going to be great one this year (isn't it always?) and it's FREE! www.ukulelehooley.com

12th October 2019 - NORTHWICH - HOUSE CONCERT AT SLIDEY TOWERS. This is a private House Concert with only very limited tickets available to the most house trained amongst you. Likely to sell out fast so book your tickets early! For tickets and info contact:tom@tomdoughty.com

17th October 2019 - ORMSKIRK - CHAPEL GALLERY. St Helens Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4QR. 7.30pm start. TICKETS £10 from the Chapel Gallery website or pay on the door www.chapelgallery.

11th November 2019 - RUNCORN FOLK CLUB. Runcorn Golf Club,Clifton Rd, Cheshire, Runcorn WA7 4TD. 8.30pm start. £5 bucket collection. www.runcornfolk.club

4th December 2019 - WIGAN UKULELE CLUB. Sorry, members only! Contact Wigan Ukulele club for details www.wiganukuleleclub.com


27th - 29th April 2018 THE UKULELE FESTIVAL OF SCOTLAND, Easterbrook Hall, The Crichton Dumfries DG1 4TA https://ukulelefestivalofscotland.co.uk/

2nd - 6th May 2018 UKULELE INSTITUTE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC - A Ukulele retreat with Ukulele Uff & Ukulollo, A week of workshops held by Ukulele Uff and Ukulollo at Zeliv, 1 hour's drive from Prague. https://www.ukulele-institute.cz

19th - 20th May 2018 UKULELE FESTIVAL DORTMUND - GERMANY, https://fhh.de/veranstaltung/ukulele-festival-dortmund

13th - 15th July 2018 AQUILA UKULELE FESTIVAL, The Astra Theatre, Vicenza, Italy https://aquilaukulelefestival.com

25th and 26th August 2018 UKULELE HOOLEY, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland www.ukulelehooley.com

8th September 2018 LOST AND FOUND - A Soulful Retelling of The Prodigal Son at the LIVERPOOL AUDITORIUM.

Not your usual Ukulele Uff Trio gig! We will be joining Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir and internationally acclaimed script writer Frank Cottrell-Boyce for a night of story telling and soulful music featuring songs from The Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Judy Garland and more. Tickets £10 or less. Tickets available from - www.ticketquarter.co.uk

20th October 2018 JESIENNY PRZECIAG GITAROWY - POLISH GUITAR FESTIVAL, Inkubator Technologiczny w Słupsku, ul. Portowa 13b, POLAND. https://www.facebook.com/events/

26th - 29th October 2018 BRACKLESHAM UKULELE FESTIVAL Queens Hotel,Marine Parade, Eastbourne BN21 3DY. To book call Oli at IOW TOURS 01983 405116.

8th December 2018 THE BIG CHRISTMAS UKULELE PARTY - BLACKPOOL,The Hilton Hotel, North Promenade Sea Front, Blackpool FY1 2JQ. A full, packed day of ukulele themed events brought to you by the folks at World of Ukes. Culminating in an evening concert featuring The Ukulele Uff Trio. Tickets available from -http://worldofukes.co.uk/



16th - 18th June 2017 THE UKULELE FESTIVAL OF GREAT BRITAIN, CHELTENHAM http://www.ukulelefestival.co.uk/

23rd - 25th June 2017 THE UKULELE FESTIVAL OF WALES Gower Heritage Centre Park Mill Parkmill, Gower, Swansea SA3 2EH http://ukulelefestivalofwales.co.uk/

5th August 2017 PARBULELE UKULELE FESTIVAL Parbold, West Lancashire. Concert in the evening. Ukulele Uff will be giving a workshop during the afternoon. Contact GARY SMITH on 07495 332770 or email gs.svs-ltd@live.co.uk http://parboldunlimited.com/parbulele/

12th August 2017 BIG BOAT ON THE MERSEY - UKULELE DAY Liverpool. A full, packed day of ukulele themed events brought to you by the folks at World of Ukes. Culminating in an evening concert featuring Ukulele Uff. Full details can be found here: http://worldofukes.co.uk

26th and 27th August 2017 UKULELE HOOLEY, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland www.ukulelehooley.com

20th October 2017 THE STUDIO, WIDNES, Lacey Street, Widnes, WA8 7sQ. Plus support. £3 on the door. www.thestudiowidnes.org.uk


6/2/16 Peter Kavanagh's Pub, 2 Egerton Street, Liverpool L8 7LY. 9pm start. Free admission.

19/2/16 - 21/2/16 Big House in the Country Ukulele Weekend. Gilsland Spa Hotel, Near Hadrian's Wall. Brampton. Cumbria CA8 7AR. Tickets: http://worldofukes.co.uk/events-shop/big-house-in-the-country-2016

27/2/16 Music Room @ PHILHARMONIC HALL, Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ. Supporting our old friends from Newcastle Upon Tyne Rob Heron and the Tea Pad Orchestra Tickets: www.liverpoolphil.com

26/3/16 Peter Kavanagh's Pub with THE MOURNING GLORIES. themourningglories.com Peter Kavanagh's Pub 2 Egerton Street, Liverpool L8 7LY. 9pm start. Free admission.

16/4/16 Peter Kavanagh's Pub, 2 Egerton Street, Liverpool L8 7LY. 9pm start. Free admission.

27/5/16 The Caledonia with THE PREACHER MEN. We will be joining our friends the Preacher Men from Belgium. The Caledonia 22 Caledonia Street, Liverpool. L7 7DX https://www.facebook.com/ThePreacherMenCountry/?fref=ts

14/5/16 Peter Kavanagh's Pub, 2 Egerton Street, Liverpool L8 7LY. 9pm start. Free admission.

17/6/16 - 19/6/16 Ukulele Uff and Ukulele Zaza at The UKULELE FESTIVAL OF GREAT BRITAIN. SOLD OUT! www.ukulelefestival.co.uk

25/6/16 THE UKULELE FESTIVAL OF WALES - The Gower Heritage Centre set in the heart of the Gower Peninsula in South West Wales. http://www.ukulelefestivalofwales.co.uk/index.html

26/6/16 DRUIDSTONE HOTEL - Broad Haven, Haverford West, Pembrokeshire. Wales. SA62 3NE.

9/7/16 HOYLAKE SUMMER UKULELE STRUM,  Carham Road, Hoylake, Wirral CH47 4FF. www.summerstrum.com

16/7/16 BRIDGEWATER WEEKENDER, BRIDGEWATER PARK, SALFORD M28 1YB. We'll be playing at Bridgewater Park between 2 and 4pm and at HALL BANK M30 8LR, Patricroft between 10am and 12pm as part of a large family fun day. http://www.est1761.org/events

30/7/16 TWO GIGS! 4pm to 7pm - The Caledonia, 22 Caledonia Street, Liverpool. L7 7DX. THEN 8pm - Dumbulls Fest at the Dumbells Gallery, The Bull, Dublin Street. Liverpool. L3 7DT. We'll be playing on the roof top stage.

14/8/16 MORECAMBE SEASIDE SCULPTURE FESTIVAL. Details to follow. http://www.morecambe.gov.uk/seaside-sculpture-day/

20th and 21st August 2016 UKULELE HOOLEY, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland www.ukulelehooley.com

23rd August 2016 The CALEDONIA, 22 Caledonia Street, Liverpool. L7 7DX with THE MOURNING GLORIES. themourningglories.com 9pm start. Free admission.

17/9/16 APPLETON THORN VILLAGE HALL. Stretton Road, Appleton Thorn, Warrington, WA4 4RT. This is a small intimate venue with a great atmosphere and fantastic beer. It's sure to sell out so reserve your tickets early by contacting Roger Kenyon on 07946 378599 or on Facebook:Village Hall Music @ Appleton Thorn


23/9/16 - 26/9/16 BRACKLESHAM BAY UKULELE FESTIVAL - South Downs Holiday Village, Bracklesham Bay, West Sussex. PO20 8JE. BOOKING HOTLINE: 01243 673683

17/12/16 MANLEY VILLAGE HALL, Tarvin Road, Manley, Frodsham, Cheshire. WA6 9EL.



6/6/15 Manley Village Hall, Tarvin Road, Manley, Frodsham, Cheshire. WA6 9EL. 8pm

4/7/15 Hoylake Summer Ukulele Strum,  Carham Road, Hoylake, Wirral CH47 4FF. www.summerstrum.com

11/7/15 the Morkelele Summer Ukulele Spectacular, Venue changed to The Lothersdale Hotel, 320-323 Marine Road, Moracambe. LA4 5AA. Tickets: http://worldofukes.co.uk/events

26/7/15 Underneath the Stars Festival, Cannon Hall Farm, near Barnsley.www.underthestarsfest.co.uk

2/8/15 Buxton Opera House, Water Street, Buxton SK17 6XN. Including a performance of the critically acclaimed Vivian Stanshall's "Sir Henry at Rawlinson End" which features Ukulele Uff and Brother Bill. Tickets here: http://buxtonoperahouse.org.uk/vivian-stanshalls-sir-henry-at-sir-rawlinsons-end#-info

18/8/15 Peter Kavanagh's Pub, 2 Egerton Street, Liverpool L8 7LY. With Eden and John's East River String Band from New York. 9pm start. Free admission.

22/8/15 Ukulele Hooley, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland www.ukulelehooley.com

4/9/15 Blackburne House Cafe Bar, Blackburne Place, Liverpool L8 7PE

11/10/15 Bracklesham Bay Ukulele Festival. South Downs Holiday Village, Bracklesham, Chichester, West Sussex. PO20 8JE. Bookings Helpline 01243 216833.

25/10/15 The Widnes Studio, Lacey Street, Widnes WA8 7SQ. From 2pm, we will be a part of a project to remember the Widnes Queens Hall. https://www.facebook.com/groups/thestudiowidnes/

7/11/15 Peter Kavanagh's Pub, 2 Egerton Street, Liverpool L8 7LY. 9pm start. Free admission.

28/11/15 GENT, BELGIUM String Band Festival De Centrale, Kraankindersstraat 2 Gent Decentrale.BE. More Belgium dates to be announced.